If ever there were a piece of art that displayed my entire heart on canvas, it would be this one. “In His Hands” was birthed from a prayer that I have been meditating on for several weeks now.
As with every piece I create, I named it before I got started. “In His Hands” is inspired by the song “He’s got the whole world in his hands”. That sweet song brought me comfort when I was a kid and it brings me even more comfort as an adult. The lyrics are so simple, but so very true. Through every season, God holds us all In his hands.
I used a palette knife to create the textured background. The church was completed using my favorite finger painting technique. This is truly one of my most favorite paintings of all time. I cried like a baby when it was finished.
I’ll never take for granted how exceptionally blessed I am for the gift God gave me with art. It truly is a miracle. Sharing my heart and art with the people I love most is something I will cherish forever.